Support our projects

Our foundation is recognized as a non-profit organization by the foundation supervisory authority of the EDI (CH). Donations can be deducted from taxes.

Specific or free donation

Make a one-time or regular donation of any amount. Donation receipts will be sent quarterly during the current year. Please remember to include your address completely and clearly. If you need the receipt immediately, you can contact the Foundation. Please also get in touch if you should ever not receive a donation receipt. You can also donate conveniently via TWINT using the QR code below or PayLink.

Contact general donations:

Martin Bütler
Obwaldner Kantonalbank allgemeine Spenden
IBAN: CH86 0078 0000 3085 2515 1

Educational sponsorships

We offer collective sponsorships. With 50 CHF per month, you make school education possible for one or two children and thus open up a new perspective for their future. Donation receipts for education sponsorships are issued in February of the following year. Poor families who cannot afford the school fees and whose children are capable and motivated are selected. From your contribution not only the school fees are paid, but also the lunch and the school clothes. In addition, there is the monthly medical school examination and once a year a larger school trip.

Read more under Sponsorships

Vocational training sponsorship

Since the first school leavers left our school, around 1100 gifted young people have been given the opportunity to receive vocational training or study through private assistance. This support has now been officially incorporated into the Foundation's program as the "Shanthimalai Skill Development Program". As an individual, company, foundation or even organization, you can sponsor an education. This can be done through monthly contributions starting at 60 CHF or a one-time donation to the education fund. Donation receipts are sent quarterly during the current year.  We currently calculate 720 CHF per year for a trainee, although the cost varies depending on the type of training or scholarship. The duration of the training is usually 3 to 4 years. With your contribution you enable the school leavers to reach another milestone on their way to an independent life.

Read more under Sponsorships

Contact educational sponsorship and vocational training sponsorship:

Catharina Agustoni
Obwaldner Kantonalbank Sponsorships:
IBAN: CH54 0078 0000 3085 2514 5

Impact beyond life; inheritance/ legacy or will Donations

Coming to terms with your own death is an important but challenging task. Many people neglect to write a will. However, a will makes it possible to send a powerful message of compassion and gratitude beyond the end of life. By including the Aruna Foundation in your will, you can give children in India a perspective for the future or express your solidarity with elderly people in need. In this way, you can pass on valuable things that life has given you to the next generation in need.

Inheritance / legacy

With an inheritance, you appoint the Aruna Foundation as a co-heir alongside other heirs. You determine the percentage of your estate that the Aruna Foundation receives. If there are no compulsory heirs, you can also appoint the foundation as your sole heir. With a legacy, you bequeath a certain amount or a tangible asset such as a valuable item or a property to the foundation.


If you want to deal with the subject of inheritance and legacies in more detail, we recommend that you consult an independent specialist. A list can be found on the website of the Swiss Bar Association or the Swiss Association of Notaries. We will be happy to assist you in drawing up your will.
Swiss Bar Association:
Swiss Association of Notaries:


You can specify in your will whether you want to help children, young adults or old people. Or you can leave it to the foundation to use your legacy for the most urgent projects. Such donations are very important to us and are used with great appreciation. At least 95% of your donation goes directly to the projects in India, as all members of the Foundation Board work on a voluntary basis and are supported by volunteers.

Contact Testament Donations:
If you have any questions about bequests and legacies, please contact
Immanuel Stocker, President of our Foundation, will be happy to answer your questions.
079 885 39 82